The goal of the“tReEFINE“ project idea is to improve the implementation of refinement methods regarding experimental and housing conditions for laboratory animals. It was developed in a ReThink3R-Workshop organized with Charité 3R and further refined by Angelique Wolter and Luca Bramé in a Follow-Up ReThink3R-Workshop at Charité. The two scientists then applied in the Research To Market Challenge and received the 2. prize of three within their category.
For more infos to the project see here: https://charite3r.charite.de/en/metas/news/artikel/detail/second_place_for_charite_researchers_in_the_research_to_market_challenge/
For more to the Research To Market Challenge see here: https://www.fu-berlin.de/sites/profund/aktuelles/news/R2MC2021.html